Installation of stained glass on your terrace at home.
Stained glass for the terrace can be installed in various ways and from different materials. Blanconstruct specialists will help you make the right choice!
read more...Stained glass for the terrace can be installed in various ways and from different materials. Blanconstruct specialists will help you make the right choice!
read more...With any order of PVC windows, you receive classic mosquito nets on the hinges free of charge.
read more...Felicitari cu Sfântele Sarbatori de Pasti! Cu ocazia Invierii Domnului dorim sã vã urăm toate cele bune: lumina în suflet, dragoste și sănătate.
read more...Only in February you can take advantage of the maximum discount and 6 months price guarantee!!
read more...Dear friends We would like to inform you that as of December 29, 2022, all employees of the Blanconstruct company will be at the regular annual vacancy on January 14, 2023. We will be happy to see you to make your orders from January 16th through
read more...A venit vara mult asteptata! Si noi am hotarît să vă bucurăm cu ???? cadouri de la Blanconstruct!
read more...Composite Panel (Natural Bond) producerASAS Turkey
read more...The team of young , motivated and enthusiastic people from the company BlanConstruct
read more...In the last 17 years, our company takes part in the exhibition Moldconstruct.
read more...More information about the company's offerings Blanconstruct you can find at the Office on Alba Iulia Street 75!